Launching the Hellofysio platform

Launching the Hellofysio platform

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Hellofysio is a pioneer in online physiotherapy and e-health. When they approached me, they were on the verge of opening up their platform to bring a whole sector to the next level. Over the course of a few weeks, I worked together with the founders and the marketing manager to make sure the market will grasp the full potential and will start working with the platform to experience it. In 4 sessions we created a complete launch plan by zooming in on:

  1. Why ? Turn 10 years of history, entrepreneurship, choices and building into one inspiring storyline that can be turned into a video animation with great impact.
  2. Business model Design a model that clarifies the role and position of the company for all stakeholders and shows the value to be created.
  3. Wanna Try ? Create a trial program that will overcome resistance and triggers the audience to start working with the new platform in a way that convinces them of its value.
  4. Sticky messages Create simple messages that will, trigger people to become curious and take action. For the homepage and various external media.

Check out this video to better understand what Hellofysio does…

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